
145 entries « 3 of 3 »

Journal Articles


Sutton, M. A.; Reis, S.; Billen, G.; Cellier, P.; Erisman, J. W.; Mosier, A. R.; Nemitz, E.; Sprent, J.; Grinsven, H.; Voss, M.; Beier, C.; Skiba, U.

"Nitrogen & Global Change" Preface Journal Article

In: Biogeosciences, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 1691-1693, 2012.

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Roosenschoon, O.; Reis, S.; Turnpenny, J.; Adele, C.; Jacob, K.; Wascher, D.; Weiland, S.; Helming, K.; Podhora, A.; Wien, J. -E.

Bridging the gap between modellers and model users, why does this gap exist and what can we do about it? Journal Article

In: iEMSs 2012 - Managing Resources of a Limited Planet: Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, pp. 1936-1943, 2012.

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Steinle, S.; Reis, S.; Sabel, C. E.

Developing a conceptual model for the assessment of personal exposure to air pollution Journal Article

In: iEMSs 2012 - Managing Resources of a Limited Planet: Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, pp. 420-426, 2012.

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Reis, S.; Grennfelt, P.; Klimont, Z.; Amann, M.; ApSimon, H.; Hettelingh, J. -P.; Holland, M.; LeGall, A. -C.; Maas, R.; Posch, M.; Spranger, T.; Sutton, M. A.; Williams, M.

From Acid Rain to Climate Change Journal Article

In: Science, vol. 338, no. 6111, pp. 1153-1154, 2012.

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Hertel, O.; Skjøth, C. A.; Reis, S.; Bleeker, A.; Harrison, R. M.; Cape, J. N.; Fowler, D.; Skiba, U.; Simpson, D.; Jickells, T.; Kulmala, M.; Gyldenkærne, S.; Sørensen, L. L.; Erisman, J. W.; Sutton, M. A.

Governing processes for reactive nitrogen compounds in the European atmosphere Journal Article

In: Biogeosciences, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 4921-4954, 2012.

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Reis, S.; Steinle, S.; Cowie, H.; Hurley, F.

Methods for the assessment of human health impacts from air pollution based on monitoring data, atmospheric dispersion model results and contextual data in Scotland Journal Article

In: iEMSs 2012 - Managing Resources of a Limited Planet: Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, pp. 490-499, 2012.

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Owen, S. M.; Leaver, D. S.; Bealey, W. J.; Wilson, R.; Reis, S.; Sutton, M.

A new database for time-series monitoring data: the NitroEurope approach Journal Article

In: Iforest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, vol. 4, pp. 226-232, 2011.

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Steinle, S.; Reis, S.; Sabel, C. E.

Assessment of personal exposure to air pollutants in Scotland - An integrated approach using personal monitoring data Journal Article

In: MODSIM 2011 - 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation - Sustaining Our Future: Understanding and Living with Uncertainty, pp. 1831-1837, 2011.

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Misselbrook, T. H.; Cape, J. N.; Cardenas, L. M.; Chadwick, D. R.; Dragosits, U.; Hobbs, P. J.; Nemitz, E.; Reis, S.; Skiba, U.; Sutton, M. A.

Key unknowns in estimating atmospheric emissions from UK land management Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Environment, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 1067-1074, 2011.

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Reis, S.; Ambelas-Skjoth, C.; Vieno, M.; Geels, C.; Steinle, S.; Lang, M.; Sutton, M. A.

Why time and space matters - Arguments for the improvement of temporal emission profiles for atmospheric dispersion modeling of air pollutant emissions Journal Article

In: MODSIM 2011 - 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation - Sustaining Our Future: Understanding and Living with Uncertainty, pp. 1817-1823, 2011.

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Reis, S.; Oxley, T.; Rowe, E.

Integrated modelling for health and environmental impact assessment of air pollution and climate change Journal Article

In: Modelling for Environment's Sake: Proceedings of the 5th Biennial Conference of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, iEMSs 2010, vol. 2, pp. 1129-1138, 2010.

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Vieno, M.; Dore, A. J.; Stevenson, D. S.; Doherty, R.; Heal, M. R.; Reis, S.; Hallsworth, S.; Tarrason, L.; Wind, P.; Fowler, D.; Simpson, D.; Sutton, M. A.

Modelling surface ozone during the 2003 heat-wave in the UK Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 10, no. 16, pp. 7963-7978, 2010.

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Sutton, Mark A.; Sutton, MA; Reis, S; Baker, SMH

Atmospheric Ammonia Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts Introduction Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Ammonia, pp. 1-11, 2009.

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Sutton, M. A.; Reis, S.; Baker, S. M. H.

Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting Emission Changes and Environmental Impacts, pp. 1-464, 2009.

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Vestreng, V.; Ntziachristos, L.; Semb, A.; Reis, S.; Isaksen, I. S. A.; Tarrason, L.

Evolution of NO(x) emissions in Europe with focus on road transport control measures Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1503-1520, 2009.

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Reis, S.; Sabel, C.; Oxley, T.; Anderssen, RS; Braddock, RD; Newham, LTH

Implications of different spatial (and temporal) resolutions for integrated assessment modelling on the regional to local scale - nesting, coupling, or model integration? Journal Article

In: 18th World Imacs Congress and Modsim09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, pp. 2328-2334, 2009.

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Reis, S.; Sabel, C.; Oxley, T.; Anderssen, RS; Braddock, RD; Newham, LTH

Implications of different spatial (and temporal) resolutions for integrated assessment modelling on the regional to local scale - nesting, coupling, or model integration? Journal Article

In: 18th World Imacs Congress and Modsim09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, pp. 2328-2334, 2009.

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Pul, Addo; Reis, Stefan; Dore, Tony; Xuejun, Liu; Fagerli, Hilde; Geels, Camilla; Hertel, Ole; Kruijt, Roy Wichink; Kryza, Maciej; Bergstrom, Robert; Vieno, Massimo; Smith, Ron; Nemitz, Eiko; Sutton, MA; Reis, S; Baker, SMH

Modelling the National and Regional Transport and Deposition of Ammonia Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Ammonia, pp. 409-421, 2009.

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Sutton, M. A.; Reis, S.; Baker, S. M. H.

Preface Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting Emission Changes and Environmental Impacts - Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, 2009.

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Sutton, Mark A.; Reis, Stefan; Bahl, Klaus Butterbach

Reactive nitrogen in agroecosystems: integration with greenhouse gas interactions Journal Article

In: Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, vol. 133, no. 3-4, pp. 135-138, 2009.

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Reis, S.; Pinder, R. W.; Zhang, M.; Lijie, G.; Sutton, M. A.

Reactive nitrogen in atmospheric emission inventories Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 9, no. 19, pp. 7657-7677, 2009.

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Sutton, Mark A.; Reis, Stefan; Baker, Samantha M. H.; Sutton, MA; Reis, S; Baker, SMH

Synthesis and Summary for Policy Makers Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Ammonia, pp. 445-454, 2009.

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Rowland, F. S.; Blake, D. R.; Larsen, B. R.; Lindskog, A.; Peterson, P. J.; Williams, W. P.; Wallington, T. J.; Pilling, M. J.; Carslaw, N.; Creasey, D. J.; Heard, D. E.; Jacobs, P.; Lee, J.; Lewis, A. C.; McQuaid, J. B.; Stockwell, W. R.; Frank, H.; Sacco, P.; Cocheo, V.; Lynge, E.; Andersen, A.; Nilsson, R.; Barlow, L.; Pukkala, E.; Nordlinder, R.; Boffetta, P.; Grandjean, P.; Heikkil, P.; Hurte, L. G.; Jakobsson, R.; Lundberg, I.; Moen, B.; Partanen, T.; Riise, T.; Borowiak, A.; Saeger, E. De; Schnitzler, K. G.; Gravenhorst, G.; Jacobi, H. W.; Moelders, S.; Lammel, G.; Busch, G.; Beese, F. O.; Dentener, F. J.; Feichter, J.; Fraedrich, K.; Roelofs, G. J.; Friedrich, R.; Reis, S.; Voehringer, F.; Simpson, D.; Moussiopoulos, N.; Sahm, P.; Tourlou, P. M.; Salmons, R.; Papameletiou, D.; Maqueda, J. M.; Suhr, P. B.; Bell, W.; Paton-Walsh, C.; Woods, P. T.; Partridge, R. H.; Slemr, J.; Slemr, F.; Schmidbauer, N.; Ravishankara, A. R.; Jenkin, M. E.; Leeuw, G.; Eijk, A. M.; Flossmann, A. I.; Wobrock, W.; Mestayer, P. G.; Tranchant, B.; Ljungstrom, E.; Karlsson, R.; Larsen, S. E.; Roemer, M.; Builtjes, P. J.; Koffi, B.; Koffi, E. N.; Ro-Poulsen, H.; Mikkelsen, T. N.; Hummelshoj, P.; Hovmand, M. F.; Simoneit, B. R.; Meulen, A.; Meyer, M. B.; Berndt, T.; Boge, O.; Stratmann, F.; Cass, G. R.; Harrison, R. M.; Shi, J. P.; Hoffmann, T.; Warscheid, B.; Bandur, R.; Marggraf, U.; Nigge, W.; Kamens, R.; Jang, M.

Abstracts of the 6th FECS Conference 1998 Lectures Journal Article

In: Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, vol. 5, pp. 119-96, 2008.

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Vieno, M.; Dore, A. J.; Stevenson, D. S.; Doherty, R.; Heal, M.; Reis, S.; Hallsworth, S.; Tarrasón, L.; Wind, P.; Sutton, M. A.

Modelling surface ozone during the 2003 heat wave in the UK Journal Article

In: Hrvatski Meteoroloski Casopis, vol. 43 PART 1, pp. 83-87, 2008.

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Smith, Pete; Nabuurs, Gert-Jan; Janssens, Ivan A.; Reis, Stefan; Marland, Gregg; Soussana, Jean-Francois; Christensen, Torben R.; Heath, Linda; Apps, Mike; Alexeyev, Vlady; Fang, Jingyun; Gattuso, Jean-Pierre; Guerschman, Juan Pablo; Huang, Yao; Jobbagy, Esteban; Murdiyarso, Daniel; Ni, Jian; Nobre, Antonio; Peng, Changhui; Walcroft, Adrian; Wang, Shao Qiang; Pan, Yude; Zhou, Guang Sheng

Sectoral approaches to improve regional carbon budgets Journal Article

In: Climatic Change, vol. 88, no. 3-4, pp. 209-249, 2008.

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Sutton, Mark A.; Simpson, David; Levy, Peter E.; Smith, Rognvald I.; Reis, Stefan; Oijen, Marcel; Vries, Wim

Uncertainties in the relationship between atmospheric nitrogen deposition and forest carbon sequestration Journal Article

In: Global Change Biology, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 2057-2063, 2008.

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Sutton, M. A.; Nemitz, E.; Erisman, J. W.; Beier, C.; Bahl, K. Butterbach; Cellier, P.; Vries, W.; Cotrufo, F.; Skiba, U.; Marco, C. Di; Jones, S.; Laville, P.; Soussana, J. F.; Loubet, B.; Twigg, M.; Famulari, D.; Whitehead, J.; Gallagher, M. W.; Neftel, A.; Flechard, C. R.; Herrmann, B.; Calanca, P. L.; Schjoerring, J. K.; Daemmgen, U.; Horvath, L.; Tang, Y. S.; Emmett, B. A.; Tietema, A.; Penuelas, J.; Kesik, M.; Brueggemann, N.; Pilegaard, K.; Vesala, T.; Campbell, C. L.; Olesen, J. E.; Dragosits, U.; Theobald, M. R.; Levy, P.; Mobbs, D. C.; Milne, R.; Viovy, N.; Vuichard, N.; Smith, J. U.; Smith, P.; Bergamaschi, P.; Fowler, D.; Reis, S.

Challenges in quantifying biosphere-atmosphere exchange of nitrogen species Journal Article

In: Environmental Pollution, vol. 150, no. 1, pp. 125-139, 2007.

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Reis, S.; Sutton, M. A.; deVries, W.; Kros, J.; Oxley, L; Kulasiri, D

Modelling multidimensional problems - The case of integrated nitrogen management Journal Article

In: Modsim 2007: International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, pp. 2083-2089, 2007.

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Reis, S.; Sutton, M. A.; deVries, W.; Kros, J.; Oxley, L; Kulasiri, D

Modelling multidimensional problems - The case of integrated nitrogen management Journal Article

In: Modsim 2007: International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, pp. 2083-2089, 2007.

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Vestreng, V.; Myhre, G.; Fagerli, H.; Reis, S.; Tarrason, L.

Twenty-five years of continuous sulphur dioxide emission reduction in Europe Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 7, no. 13, pp. 3663-3681, 2007.

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Penkett, Stuart A.

Rainer Friedrich and Stefan Reis: Emissions of Air Pollutants. Measurements, Calculations and Uncertainties. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2004, pp. xviii + 335, ISBN 3-540-00840-3, EUR 99.95 Journal Article

In: Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 319–321, 2005, ISSN: 1573-0662.

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Reis, S; Nitter, S; Friedrich, R

Innovative approaches in integrated assessment modelling of European air pollution control strategies - Implications of dealing with multi-pollutant multi-effect problems Journal Article

In: Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 1524-1531, 2005.

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Hertel, O; Skjoth, CA; Frohn, LM; Vignati, E; Frydendall, J; Leeuw, G; Schwarz, U; Reis, S

Assessment of the atmospheric nitrogen and sulphur inputs into the North Sea using a Lagrangian model Journal Article

In: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, vol. 27, no. 35, pp. 1507-1515, 2002.

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Reis, S; Simpson, D; Friedrich, R; Jonson, JE; Unger, S; Obermeier, A

Road traffic emissions - predictions of future contributions to regional ozone levels in Europe Journal Article

In: Atmospheric Environment, vol. 34, no. 27, pp. 4701-4710, 2000.

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Reis, S.; Morris, G.; Fleming, L. E.; Beck, S.; Taylor, T.; White, M.; Depledge, M. H.; Steinle, S.; Sabel, C. E.; Cowie, H.; Hurley, F.; Dick, J. McP; Smith, R. I.; Austen, M.

Integrating health and environmental impact analysis Journal Article

In: Public Health, no. 0, 0000.

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Tropospheric Ozone Abatement Book

Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2000, ISBN: 9783642596988.

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Book Chapters


Reis, S.; Nitter, S.

Ecological Models, Optimization Book Chapter

In: Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, 2013.

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Moussiopoulos, N.; Douros, I.; Reis, S.; Friedrich, R.; Lekkas, TD

MERLIN: The study of urban air quality in 20 European cities Book Chapter

In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Vol A - Oral Presentations, Pts A and B, pp. A1044-A1049, 2005.

BibTeX | Tags:


Moussiopoulos, N.; Douros, I.; Reis, S.; Friedrich, R.; Lekkas, TD

MERLIN: The study of urban air quality in 20 European cities Book Chapter

In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Vol A - Oral Presentations, Pts A and B, pp. A1044-A1049, 2005.

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Papameletiou, Demosthenes; Maqueda-Barrera, Jose Maria

Emission Abatement Measures Book Chapter

In: Tropospheric Ozone Abatement, pp. 35–60, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2000, ISBN: 9783642596988.

Links | BibTeX | Tags:


Reis, Stefan; Friedrich, Rainer

Emissions of Ozone Precursors Book Chapter

In: Tropospheric Ozone Abatement, pp. 25–33, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2000, ISBN: 9783642596988.

Links | BibTeX | Tags:


Reis, Stefan; Simpson, David; Friedrich, Rainer

Optimising Regional Ozone Reduction Strategies Book Chapter

In: Tropospheric Ozone Abatement, pp. 99–120, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2000, ISBN: 9783642596988.

Links | BibTeX | Tags:


Simpson, David; Jonson, Jan Eiof

Regional Modelling of Tropospheric Ozone Book Chapter

In: Tropospheric Ozone Abatement, pp. 83–97, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2000, ISBN: 9783642596988.

Links | BibTeX | Tags:


Reis, Stefan; Friedrich, Rainer

Scenarios of Future Development Book Chapter

In: Tropospheric Ozone Abatement, pp. 61–82, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2000, ISBN: 9783642596988.

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Friedrich, Rainer; Reis, Stefan

Summary and Conclusions Book Chapter

In: Tropospheric Ozone Abatement, pp. 205–217, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2000, ISBN: 9783642596988.

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145 entries « 3 of 3 »